Saturday, June 30, 2018

New Zealand 2003 clues

New Zealand 2003 clues

2003 - A US tourist was abducted and raped. Dunedin public library.

2003 - Shell companies, money laundering. UN convention, anti corruption in 2003, int laws. (Global shell games. Cambridge uni press 2014).

6-10 January 2003  - Sonya Fay McKenzie. University of Canterbury, Freelance Journalism course.

3 Feb 2003 – Mass communication and journalism. Jim Tully head of dept. Sonya Fay McKenzie, University of Canterbury. Freelance journalism.

17 May 2003 – Living in a Socialist state. Dominion Post Wellington. Socialist police state of New Zealand. A Socialist system.

26 May 2003 – Chinese opium tin stolen. The Southland Times Invercargill. An opium tin used by a Chinese gold miner more than 100 years ago was stolen.

4 June 2003 - Marie Jamieson case unsolved. Her body was found dumped behind a Ranui factory. Melanie Apppleton. Auckland libraries.

22 June 2003 – Dark times for Mr Midnight. Darryl Leigh Sorby. Money laundering in Motueka in 1997. Ecstacy ring in Auckland. Mr Asia in the 1970s. $10 million heroin sales in Australia. 52 years old in 2003.. Born in Auckland. In 1983 Sorby was in Brisbane. 1995-1996 He went fom Australia to NZ Christchurch company CODIT. NZ Herald.

22 June 2018 -

26 June 2003 – NZ votes to legalize brothels. The Irish Times Dublin Ireland. Rape slavery, legal?

Mid 2003 – Tower became Trustee Executors again. Name change. It began in 1881 in Otago. Jim Bolger as Chairman. (Website).

July 2003 – Boarding schools were notorious as a places to deposit unwanted and illegitimate children. (Practical family history. July 2003 p8).

23 July 2003 – The will of Rex Wayne Ash. Addington Law Centre.

23 July 2003 – The will of Sonya Fay McKenzie. Nick Leeming. Addington Law Centre.  Every attempt to get legal aid is turned down.  Not allowed a lawyer.

30 August 2003 – Trevor Wayne Henderson missing from Oneuhero Auckland.

Sept 2003 – Korean tourist missing presumed dead. Jae Hyoen Kim aged 25. Disappeared in Sept 2003 last seen in Nelson.

Sept 2003 – Jail for murder of Korean backpacker. Jae Hyeon Kim West coast murder. 5 years later remains sent back to Korea. 3 news. 29 April 2010. Juanita Copeland.

Oct 2003 – Auckland “peace” activist Bruce Hubbard was arrested for sending offensive emails to the US embassy. Regarding the war in Iraq in 2003. (Against freedom. Valerie Morse (c)2007 NZ).

12 Oct 2003 – Mr Asia is back. NZ Truth Auckland.

17 Oct 2003 – NZ Truth. Mr Asia gang boss is back. Darryl Leigh Sorby. Money laundering.

24 November 2003 – Christchurch  city council must act on feral cats. Sonya Fay McKenzie's article in Scoop NZ.

16 Dec 2003 – Ian McGibbon. Desmond Patrick Costello 1912-1964. Dictionary of NZ biography. Updated 16 Dec 2003 NZ govt.

Disappearance of missing Tauranga Lotto man John Duff remains a mystery 15 years on - NZ Herald

Disappearance of missing Tauranga Lotto man John Duff remains a mystery 15 years on - NZ Herald

The Nazi "Generalplan Ost" - the Mass Destruction and Resettlement of Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians • СТАЛКЕР/ZONE

The Nazi "Generalplan Ost" - the Mass Destruction and Resettlement of Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians • СТАЛКЕР/ZONE

Перевозчик USS Harry S. Truman, работающий в Атлантике, поскольку деятельность российских подводных лодок находится на подъеме

Перевозчик USS Harry S. Truman, работающий в Атлантике, поскольку деятельность российских подводных лодок находится на подъеме

Ex-ICE attorney faces prison time for stealing immigrants' identities | TheHill

Ex-ICE attorney faces prison time for stealing immigrants' identities | TheHill

Friday, June 29, 2018

Corruption denied

Corruption denied

Victims are not workers. Sticky labels are put on victims. Victims are not crazy. Victims are not willing. Forced to the point of death, your allowed to kill yourself. You want to stay alive and get your life back, your human rights back. Its a horor movie in New Zealand. Political enemies think on your behalf and consent on your behalf. Kidanpping, arrested without charge. Torture, worse than waterboarding, in Christchurch New Zealand. Its a service to us, to have someone, with different political ideas, to torture. Trafficking, forced, to the point of death, totally against your will, into a forced associaton or forced marriage. Politically motivated hate crimes. To discredit, de humanize, de civilianize and ruin your life completelly. When you have no say in your own life its horror. I have given up being a victim of their horror. Banned from working, volunteering, further education and banned from having a moblie number. Illegal abuse of basic human rights. ID theft fraud and invasions of privacy. Victim blaming. While no one gets arrested for these horror crimes.
Facts, truth, proof, and evidence. Its not a conspiracy theory to be avoided. Lies and slander should not put you above the law. Which is the main reason why they lie and slander. Its a waste of time even having laws in New Zealand. People are also paid to lie and slander and victim blame innocent people. Professional bullies. Corruption is rampant in New Zealand. Corruption denied. I have given up being a victim of their horror. If we had our way you would BE a crazy, whore gang member. We dont like your politics.
Political violence of the worst kind. Hate crimes gone toxic. Nazi extremists should be banned in New Zealand government jobs. Abuse of power. Way above any law. A get out of jail free card. Lies and slander are repeated over and over. They will never torture me again. Its my life, my body, my home and my work. They have no right. I have been calling for Nazi extremism to be banned and outlawed in New Zealand. This would be a way to sack government workers who violate basic human rights. Do or die to the point of death, force is horror. Lies and slander are not an excuse to torture you worse than waterboarding. If touching someone badly is a serious crime, why is forcing someone into rape slavery, the victim business, not a crime?
Trivial crime is serious, while serious crime is just a joke for a sadist. The youth suicide rate in New Zealand is by far the worst in the world. Worse than any war zone. Political war? Nazi extremism as a problem, especially in government departments. Telling the truth and wanting to stay alive is not crazy. I have been qualified as a journalist since 1990. I am a member of the Interent political party. Thats who I vote for. I have lived in New Zealand for over 50 years. I have GIVEN UP being a victm of their horror. No one will ever violate my basic human right to read and write ever again. No way sadists. No one will force me into another ridiculous forced association marriage ever again. The less say you have in your own life, the more horror it is. The more say you have in your own life the better. Let people speak for themselves and tell the truth. They say I am just a wanna be human being, we dont recognise you as human. You dont qualify for human rights. We dictate. Nazis without a party.
They register people as rape victims, like the old Nazis did to the Jews. We dont like your politics, or your parents politics kids. This is not a crime, victims are always to blame. While touching someone is a serious crime. Explain this? Pulling someones hair is a crime, but invading their privacy, stalkiing them with hate crimes is ok? Give me some cotton to pick, let me leave my clothrs on, any day. A real job. Paying someone one dollar less than the minimum wage is a serious crime. But minimum wage zero is ok? You are a victim not a worker.
They cant change what they have done in the past. Just dont do these crimes ever again. No more crimes. The people who have done these crimes to me had government jobs. Corruption and abuse of power. There is no oversight and no accountability in New Zealand. No questions are asked, when they are paid by their Nazi mates overseas to do political crimes in New Zealand. Meddling.
There are Nazi extremists all over the world. People like me are at war with them. They know this and know when I call for them to be sacked from their government jobs. Question more, not less. We know that Hillary Clintons many so called suicide cases, are not what they seem. The same is true of youth suicide in New Zealand. Worse than a war zone? Where politically motivated hate crimes are common. I dont see kids in Syria killing themselves en masse. Is it better there?  Journalists are not comfort women.

Russia-backed moves voted down, amid tussle over chemical watchdog powers | The Times of Israel

Russia-backed moves voted down, amid tussle over chemical watchdog powers | The Times of Israel